"The smallest act of kindness
is worth
more than the grandest intention"
-Oscar Wilde-

Pay it Forward

Step Forward. Share Hope. Change Lives.

Putting People First: A Call to Compassion

At Umbartha, we are dedicated to helping people navigate their personal struggles, providing the care and support they need. However, as we strive to maintain our high standards and facilities, we operate as a fee-based organisation rather than a non-profit.

Despite our best efforts, there have been times when financial constraints have hindered us from offering the full extent of support our clients deserve. To bridge this gap, we have started the Pay it Forward initiative.

'Pay it Forward' is a heartfelt appeal to those who believe in the power of compassion. We invite you to contribute, no matter how small, to help fund therapy for those who cannot afford it.

Pay it Forward
Rest assured, your contributions are more than just donations. they are lifelines that provide essential support to those in need.
Thank you!

Pay it forward now